엑셀_파이썬_기타 코딩
엑셀 단축키(개인 참조용)
2023. 5. 14. 23:32
엑셀 단축키는 그럭저럭 알고있다고 생각했지만, 손에 익지 않은 것들도 꽤 있다.
14. To center align cell contents | Alt + H + A + C |
15. To fill color | Alt + H + H |
16. To add a border | Alt + H + B *바깥 테두리 : Ctrl + shift + 7 |
17. To remove outline border | Ctrl + Shift + _ |
18. To add an outline to the select cells | Ctrl + Shift + & |
26. To add a comment to a cell | Shift + F2 |
27. To delete a cell comment | Shift + F10 + D |
29. To activate the filter | Ctrl + Shift + L Alt + Down Arrow |
34. To apply the percent format | Ctrl + Shift + % |
38. To delete a column | Alt+H+D+C |
39. To delete a row | Shift + Space, Ctrl + - |
38. To delete a column | Alt+H+D+C |
39. To delete a row | Shift + Space, Ctrl + - |
40. To hide selected row | Ctrl + 9 |
41. To unhide selected row | Ctrl + Shift + 9 |
42. To hide a selected column | Ctrl + 0 |
43. To unhide a selected column | Ctrl + Shift + 0 |
44. To group rows or columns | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
45. To ungroup rows or columns | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Alt+F2 | Save As | File, Save As | All |
Ctrl+Shift+~ | General format | Format, Cells, Number, Category, General | All |
Ctrl+Shift+! | Comma format | Format, Cells, Number, Category, Number | All |
Ctrl+Shift+@ | Time format | Format, Cells, Number, Category, Time | All |
Ctrl+Shift+# | Date format | Format, Cells, Number, Category, Date | All |
Ctrl+Shift+$ | Currency format | Format, Cells, Number, Category, Currency | All |
Ctrl+Enter | Fill the selected cell range with the current entry. | None | Excel 97/2000 |
CTRL+[ | Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection. | | |
CTRL+SHIFT+{ | Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection. | | |
CTRL+] | Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell. | | |
CTRL+SHIFT+} | Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell. | | |
틀고정: alt + w + f + f